10 skills you need for self-development

How to develop your self ?

Self-development is the path of man who seeks ambition and development, so when you develop from yourself, your abilities and abilities in any area of life you have thus taken yourself a distinct place between people and on your way to success, excellence and individuality, but first we must show what the scientific term for self-development is so that we can understand what we are talking about.

What is the meaning of self-development?

Self-development is to familiarate a person with his weaknesses and strengths and try to improve them and work to strengthen the shortage and develop what he is good at. This development includes the development of mental abilities, abilities and skills to communicate with others, good self-expression, speeches and communication with people. In other words, gain strengths and skills in self-control and feelings and try to guide them for benefit.

The importance of self-development

Man's self-development stems from man's self-esteem and abilities, the more he cares about developing his skills and abilities, the greater he is in society, and he is socially intelligent and skilled in communicating with others. Skills development and self-development set the record straight, both in mental thinking and management, and from restraint, feelings and different thinking in problem-solving.

When can one begin to develop oneself?

Self-development begins from childhood, which every father and mother should take into account in their children and in their dealings with them, self-esteem and respect for the child's self-confidence and ability to express his or her opinion and feelings.

The expression by the father and mother of their children that they love, respect them, respect their desires and open channels of dialogue and ways of understanding with them is one of the most important principles on which self-development was built.

The father and mother must also place confidence in their children and determine what they want them to do. The orders from the father and mother are clear, simple and easy to investigate without being costly or difficult to achieve because if the child feels unable to complete what the father and mother have ordered, it will translate into his mind that he has become hated outcast and will not receive their respect in seeking introversion or obtaining the attention of the father and mother in extreme ways, such as being a bully on his colleagues or taking a path Violence and the imposition of opinion, so care and attention in dealing with children is a duty.

How can we develop ourselves?

You can develop your self by learning by trainees who specialize in this field.

You can learn through books and the most famous writers in this field like Dale Carnegie and others, but more importantly, to be clear with yourself about what you want, you need to know your weaknesses, what you want to learn, what you want to reach and what you want to overcome.

Deal differently with the difficulties you face in your daily life, starting with dealing with those around you and ways to solve your problems.

What skills do you need to develop yourself ?

1. Time management and management

You won't realize the importance of this self-development skills if you don't imagine yourself busy with tens or hundreds of stories of work and tasks that you need to finish as soon as possible, and your phone is loaded with hundreds of notifications, messages and dozens of emails waiting for you to respond, all of which you have to do in a short time of your day.
If you know how to organize your time and manage things according to priorities and based on your time, you will be isolated from all this chaos. In an earlier article, we talked about the importance of organizing the right time and steps, so you can refer to it from here to see the topic.

2. Good listening

Listening to others is also an important skill for those who want to develop themselves and improve the character they have, and you can imagine the importance of this skill if you know what you will lose when you don't listen to others and what they say, someone may give you a solution to the problem you face or help develop from the project you are working on by talking to you. This skill can be learned by practicing, observing others and listening to them well as they speak and you will find yourself over time a good listener, you know in this article how to be a good entertainer.

3. Permanent learning

What can contribute most to the development and development of our personalities is the continuity of learning, so the ability to learn from the most prominent skills of personal development as well as the role of this skill in enhancing self-confidence based on our experience and knowledge in our field or other than our field, thus maintaining our self-confidence based on our multiple experience and knowledge.
This skill can be practiced through constant learning in your field, such as attending specific courses and training, reading books that you see as useful to you, or even following videos and websites that are specific to certain aspects and areas from which you can learn.

4.Communication skills

Many skills can be included under the name of communication skills, such as speaking, listening, giving presentations, writing letters and emails, body language and others are all essential skills in any field you work in, and even if your work requires meeting a computer screen all the time it is necessary to know how to receive and send messages to whoever you want and how to communicate the idea that you have to the person on the other end away from misperception or send the message to the wrong person, here is your comprehensive guide To learn all the communication skills yourself.

5. Positivity

One of the important skills if you are seeking to develop your personality is to learn how to be positive with yourself and others around you, to speak in a positive way, to make positive suggestions and solutions and to encourage the people around you to deal with life in a positive way is an excellent lifestyle that enables a person to gain the love of others and support them with that positivity. Especially in the shadow of the melancholy and gloom that surrounds many around us.

6.Critical thinking

Whether you're analyzing user data in the company you work for, studying students, or even repairing your home's heating system, critical thinking is one of the necessary self-development skills in all these and other situations, so you can understand the problem or topic correctly and then think about it the right way and then get to the right solution to the problem. This skill is also important in creative thinking, brainstorming, problem solving, data analysis, etc.


Today, conditions around us are constantly changing faster than we can imagine and human resources officials and managers are always looking for the kind of staff who are flexible and adapt quickly to different variables, so it is essential that you seek to acquire this skill and be able to adapt and adapt to any situation or circumstances you may face.

8. Teamwork

This skill is sometimes classified as a communication skills. In any case, it is necessary to add them to this list of self-development skills because all work environments today are collectively worked on and require individuals to be able to work together, communicate and collaborate in the best way to achieve the best results from their work.

9. Negotiation and persuasion

It's also an important personal development skills, whether you want to convince your manager to give you an upgrade or a salary bonus, or even if you want to convince your kids to finish their homework first and then pay attention to play later, persuasion and negotiation skills are the basis for success in such situations. So be sure to have these skills and learn how to use them properly to reach an advanced level of personality development and enhancement skills.

10- Self-confidence

Although it's important to be confident in different situations, it's added to the end of the list because self-confidence depends mainly on the previous skills we've mentioned, so when you have most of those skills, it's natural that you've reached a good level of self-confidence that enables you to do the tasks and work you need best.
We have introduced us to 10 of the most important skills of self-development and personality building, enabling you to master a more effective and productive career and personality. In addition to helping you reach your goals and achieve the success you seek. And don't finally forget to share the article with your friends to benefit.

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