On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, Israeli occupation forces arrested a young man from the occupied city of Jerusalem.
According to Jerusalem sources, the occupying forces arrested a young man, Mohammed Burqan, from Al-Samoud camp in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood east of the Old City.
On a daily basis, the occupying forces continue to storm the homes of citizens in the occupied cities of the West Bank and Jerusalem, arresting dozens of them under flimsy pretexts.
Israeli army bulldozers also destroyed an artesian well in the village of Ras Attia, south of Qalqilya, after removal orders were issued by the Civil Administration.
The well belongs to the Ras Attia Cooperative Society, where the occupying forces stormed the town with military vehicles and destroyed the well serving farmers in the town and nearby villages.
The number of farmers affected is 400, helping them flourish in the region agriculturally as well as its importance in strengthening their resilience in the face of the ambitions of occupation and settlement in the region.
Qalqilya province is characterized by the presence of artesian wells established after the Nakba in 1948 during the 1950s during the Jordanian era, and these wells are fought by civil administration officers by determining the amount allowed to be pumped annually and the number of allowing their depth to increase except with prior licenses, which are issued only after careful follow-up.